r Letter From Eastie: January 2006
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Collaged view of Boston, from East Boston

Letter From Eastie

News and other items from East Boston, Massachusetts.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

New exhibit at Perlera Real Estate.

Sorry, I'm a little behind on posting this, but the exhibit will be up until February 10th. Even if you can't get to the exhibit, please check out the artist's web site listed below--some truly beautiful photographs.

a photographic journey through New England and beyond By J. Justin Bates

Pre-Valentine's Closing reception Friday February 10 from 7-10PM
All are kindly invited to do the wine and cheese thing with us. FREE EVENT
Exhibition runs from January 8 to February 10, 2006
Perlera Real Estate Gallery
142 Meridian St.
East Boston, MA 02128

Gallery Hours
Monday - Fridays 9-6 PM
Saturdays 10-4 PM

Exhibition curator Gloria Carrigg
For more information please contact Gloria Carrigg at gloriacarrigg@aol.com or visit Justin's web-page www.jjbates.com

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Welcome to OutMO

Mongolsk hjem
Originally uploaded by bossydk.
There is something I've been meaning to address on this blog for a while. Why is it that when I tell people that I live in East Boston, they have this impression that I live in Outer Mongolia? I always get, "Wow, how long does your commute take you?" or "How can you live so far from Boston?" Huh? And this is from people who live in Allston, Oak Square in Brighton, or Coolidge Corner. I live way the heck closer to the center of Boston than they do. Listen people, Eastie is one T-stop from the waterfront and two stops from the Financial District. I happen to work in the Allston/Brighton area, so it takes me 40 minutes, however, if I worked downtown, it would probably take me 20 minutes, including the bus to Maverick.

I have a feeling that this impression comes from the fact that you can't walk from downtown Boston to Eastie after the bars close. Oops. Was I implying that my friends are drinkers? Yes. Therefore, I propose to the City of Boston that a walking bridge be built from the Boston waterfront to the East Boston waterfront. Thus, elliminating the last impediment to the gentrification of East Boston, known in technical terms as the "I can't get home after the bars close because the T is closed" conundrum.
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